when you fuse a demon and the cathedral of shadows says "Whoops! Something went wrong" thats how you know its good


I'm intending for this to be an expansion on the "Currently..." box on my main page! also as a way for me to try to keep focused on projects by having somewhere public to display my current plans, since I often pick up and drop new things depending on what my brain wants to do that day, and I want to be a little more disciplined than that

for more about /now pages, check out this!

updated 5.14.24


  • trying valiantly to fix my sleep schedule. I used to fairly consistently get eight hours of sleep a night, but that has slipped in the past month or so to closer to 5-6 hours, and I have been feeling it.
  • preparing for ghost jam 2024, an event held by ukagaka dream team to make a ghost in the span of a week. I've tried numerous times to participate in ghost jam, with varying levels of success... this time I hope to outline a small ghost prior to the event so I can be more focused in my work.
    • I ended up skipping out on ghost masquerade 6 because I was stretching myself too thin between masquerade and mikuexpo cosplay work, so I dropped masquerade in favor of finishing my cosplay
  • working on an astray cosplay for mikuexpo at the beginning of may. I've never sewn an outfit before, and it's something I've wanted to do for a while so I figure a (fairly) simple design like rin's astray module would be a good place to start. also, I can reuse shoes I bought years and years ago for a fukawa dangan ronpa cosplay. nice!
    • finished the cosplay just in time for mikuexpo (and by just in time I mean. literally an hour before we had to leave to go to mikuexpo.) I didn't grab a full picture of the outfit, so I want to clean it up a bit and take some proper pictures before I call this project totally finished
  • experimenting with shrink plastic crafts. fauxpapillon on twitter posted pins he made with shrink plastic and paint pens, and that inspired me to dig out a few sheets of shrink plastic I had lying around to make something with them. I plan on making earrings and some small charms, but I still need to get a few more colors of paint pens and dimensional magic mod podge to finish off the earrings/charms. zi has also been a big help with suggesting materials and techniques for making shrink plastic trinkets
    • I made a pair of earrings based on the vtuber geega's mascots, but haven't touched the shrink plastic since, because I got caught up in working on cosplay work. hoping to draft some charm/earring designs I can make soon. probably going to push this project to after ghost jam though
  • sewing clothes for my zenos plush doll. I bought a zenos plush from wicksandwheat, and while he is very cute he is also Naked and so while I can order clothes from aliexpress for him, I wasn't super feeling any of the styles available. in the time being I wanted to sew a simple shirt and shorts outfit for him from some fabric scraps I have.
    • this project is kind of on hold at the moment because I got burnt out on sewing after sitting in front of the sewing machine for what felt like a billion hours sewing my cosplay.
  • crafting watercolor paint from expired makeup. my sister recently went through all her makeup to throw out expired items, and I nabbed all of her colorful eyeshadows palettes. bergette pigmentshas made a few videos turning expired (powder) makeup into watercolors, and I want to do the same! still have to buy all the materials for making watercolor binder and the watercolor itself though
  • expanding my website. self explanatory.
  • catching up on japanese reviews. I went probably around three months without doing any studying or language immersion and I want to get back ontop of my reviews.
  • building a new pc. have to start buying parts soon if I want to have a PC by dawntrail's release....


  • 2021-2023 horror movies
    • john wolfe, a youtuber I follow, put out a video last year on 2022 horror movies he watched, and I am slowly making my way through them.
      • currently still have the black phone, orphan first kill, and halloween kills to watch
    • dead meat, a channel covering horror movies and media in general, has put out horror movie awards shows for the past three years (2022, 2023, 2024) and I am determined to watch all of the nominees. eventually
  • geega, a vtuber from vshojo. I'm starting to get into vtubers a bit, and I come back to geega repeatedly for her dry sense of humor and regular showcases of indie games.


  • currently: azarinth healer book 1 by rhaegar (geega's book club), the master and margarita by mikhail bulgakov(bookbug's monthly book), and it by stephen king
  • recently finished: the ruins by scott smith (really enjoyed it even if it was extremely soul crushing. maybe I just like man against nature conflicts a lot), the hunger by alma katsu (I enjoyed it, but wish it had been a little more intense) the doctor who fooled the world by brian deer (interesting, if a bit dense at times)


  • granblue fantasy. not playing as much as I was a month ago but still chugging through dailies when I remember them in prep for next guild wars
  • ff14. not nearly as much as I used to, but I've started progging uwu with some friends. need to put in the time at some point to refresh my muscle memory for playing DRG and DRK though